Differential diagnosis of coma

cerebellar hemorrhage, paraneoplastic syndrome, encephalitis, thalamic infarct, brainstem, diencephalon, subarachnoid hemorrhages, epidural and subdural hematomas, tumor
Structural causes of coma and stupor (click image to enlarge)
distortion of arousal system, increased intracranial pressure coma, herniation, ischemia, distortion of tissue
Mechanisms of coma in compressive lesions
pulmonary disease, cardiac arrest, hypoclycemia, toxicity, liver, kidney, lung, parathyroid, diabetes, drugs, acidosis, alkalosis
Diffuse, multifocal, or metabolic causes of coma, stupor, and delirium (click image to enlarge)
hypothermia, heat stroke, fever, leptomeningitis, adrenoleukodystrophy, Creutzfeldt-Jakob, Marchiavava-Bignami disease, delirium
Diffuse, multifocal, or metabolic causes of coma, stupor, and delirium (continued) (click image to enlarge)